Lands vested in the Papawai and Kaikōkirikiri Trusts Board by the Papawai and Kaikōkirikiri Trusts Act 1943.
Papawai land
All that parcel of land containing 395 acres 1 rood and 18 perches, more or less, situate in Block XIV of the Tiffin Survey District, being parts of section 42, Moroa Block, and being the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol 336, folio 222, Wellington Registry.
Kaikōkirikiri land
All those parcels of land containing together 177 acres 2 roods and 25.4 perches, more or less, situate partly in the Borough of Masterton and partly in Block IV of the Tiffin Survey District, being parts of Section 110, Bishops Reserve, and part of Subdivision 33N, Ngaumutawa Block, and being also Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 on Deposited Plan No 7899, and being the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol 370, folio 80, Wellington Registry.
Clareville land
All that piece of land situated in the Taratahi Plain, Wairarapa District, containing 150 acres, more or less, which said piece of land comprises Section 85 and part of Section 86 on the public map of the said Taratahi Plain deposited in the office of the Commissioner of Crown Lands at Wellington, being the whole of the land comprised in certificate of title, Vol 9, folio 40, Wellington Registry.