Kaikōkirikiri Lands, Masterton

Facts of Interest:
Kaikōkirikiri land is registered under several Certificates of Title.
70.7645 hectares in total.
The properties are situated approximately 2kms west of the Masterton town centre.
Rural land is managed as Akura blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Industrial land is managed as Ngaumutawa blocks 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; and Herewini blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The industrial lands are bordered to the south by the Makakaweka Stream that also flows through the Akura 4 block.
Scholarship students and their whānau continue to plant native trees and flaxes along the waterways of these lands.
The rural land is leased and used with adjoining property for sheep and beef farming.
In order to support a tree nursery and to provide water to the adjoining Trusts property a new water bore was established on Akura 1.
The Trust continues to seek new tenants for the industrial lands.